Third Annual Global Health Conference in Danbury, CT
Journal of the Global Health Academy
We are delighted to announce that the 3rd Annual Global Health Conference will be held in Danbury, CT (USA) from September 21st to 25th, 2024. Invitations have been extended to our international partners and domestic guests. We eagerly anticipate this opportunity to engage in brainstorming sessions, networking opportunities, and discussions about pertinent global health topics with all our partners.

Global Health at UVMLCOM
During the final week of January 2024, UVMLCOM students attended the Global Health Bridge at UVMLCOM VT campus, organized by the course director, Dr. Katie Wells.
Between January 30 and March 30, 2024, a senior medical student from UVMLCOM completed their Global Health Elective at Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, where they were hosted by Prof. Rev. Samuel Luboga’s family for the duration of the elective.
On March 11, 2024, the application period for Global Health Electives for fourth-year UVMLCOM medical students, Class of 2025, closed. There was great interest, with 20 applications received. Throughout the last weeks of March and the first weeks of April, Dr. Mariah McNamara and Dr. Andrea Green conducted interviews with applicants to complete the selection process for the upcoming winter global health electives.
For the summer of 2024, nine MS1 students were selected for GHEs. Three spent six weeks at St. Stephen’s Hospital, Kampala, Uganda; four traveled to Vietnam for the GHE at Cho Ray Hospital; and two completed their GHEs at UNIBE, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. To prepare for their experience, the students participated in the comprehensive pre-departure course “Introduction to Global Health,” under the supervision of Dr. Mariah McNamara and Dr. Andrea Green. This course covered various GH-related topics with expert faculty invited for different sessions.