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Journal Club: Proximity to Vulnerability by Mitra Sadigh

Section Editor; Dilyara Nurkhametova, MD, PhD

Director of Operations in Global Health, Nuvance Health Global Health Program

In her article “Proximity to Vulnerability,” published in the recent issue of Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training, Mitra Sadigh delves into the realities experienced in the emergency department (ED). Through sharing her personal experiences while working in four EDs around the country, she reflects on the challenges faced not only by patients in their most vulnerable moments but also by healthcare workers navigating the emotional complexities of their roles. Her storytelling underscores the importance of preserving compassion amidst the chaos of the ED, highlighting instances where empathy is overshadowed by frustration or indifference, ultimately harming patients and staff alike.

The article prompts readers to contemplate the true essence of patient care and the necessity of addressing systemic issues within healthcare environments. Moreover, she advocates for comprehensive support systems and innovative approaches to enhance resilience, foster a patient- centered culture, and equip ED practitioners with much- needed tools for navigating work that is often wrought with stress and trauma. “Proximity to Vulnerability” serves as a powerful call to action for healthcare professionals to prioritize empathy, advocate for systemic change, and collectively evolve to better serve both patients and caregivers in the demanding landscape of Emergency Medicine.

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