2024 Global Health Electives
Journal of the Global Health Academy

Global Health Electives for Nuvance Health Residents
In 2024, our focus has been on strengthening connections with Residency Programs within the Nuvance Health Network and increasing resident participation in the Global Health Electives Program. As part of this initiative, two PGY3 Internal Medicine residents from Norwalk Hospital/Nuvance Health completed their Global Health Electives at the University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Harare, Zimbabwe, from January 19 to February 25, 2024.
Over the past few months, Dr. Bulat Ziganshin and Dr. Dilyara Nurkhametova have conducted a series of meetings with various residency programs within the Nuvance Health network. The objective has been to disseminate information about Global Health Elective opportunities for residents and explore the potential for hosting Global Health scholars within the Nuvance Health Network. These efforts have included engagement with Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, and Emergency Medicine Residency Programs at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Norwalk Hospital, and the NH Psychiatry Residency Program.
Additionally, we have conducted interviews with residents interested in participating in Global Health Electives during 2024 and 2025. We are thrilled to see such strong interest and support for global health among residents and leadership. Looking ahead, we aim to expand our activities, offer more global health opportunities, and explore potential areas and projects for collaboration.